The Professional Association of Biographical Counsellors was established in 2009. Its members work as Biographical Counsellors and Biography Workers in various settings in the UK and internationally. In addition, many PABC members are qualified counsellors and psychotherapists in therapeutic modalities other than Biographical Counselling. All members are individually accredited with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and/or UK Council for Psychotherapy UKCP.
PABC grew out of an increasing number of practicing Biographical Counsellors searching for a professional body to which they could belong and through which they could meet the professional therapeutic world. It allows counsellors to consider issues of professional ethics, group supervision, research opportunities, networking and professional development.
The PABC offers membership to: biographical counsellors trained by the Biography and Social Development Trust in the UK or professional biographical counsellors from other biographical counselling trainings.
To become a member please contact the PABC on Please note that membership runs from January to January.
Membership Fee £50 per year.
To view our constitution please click here